Thursday, February 28, 2013

a man & his dog

Tonight we went out to Eric's parents house to celebrate his mom Cheryl's birthday. Happy Joe's pizza, laughs, and good conversation were had. I love simple nights like that. Each time we go out there we pay extra attention to dear old Bubba. See Bubba is getting up there in age. He is by far the cutest dog I have ever known. When we go out to Eric's parents house, Eric and Bubba take some time to snuggle up on the floor. You know, spend some good quality time together because we know how precious life is, and there isn't much left for this sweet pup. He is the pack leader of this house and gains the attention and love from anyone who walks in those front doors. From his cute mighty mouse face, the slapping of his tale on the floor, to his long hairy feet...I'll always remember this dog. I try to capture as many photos of Eric and him because I know just how much this dog means to Eric. This dog is another sibling, even an older sibling to Eric and they have a special relationship. The way Eric loves Bubba and the extra attention he gives him makes me excited for our possible "someday" children. If Eric loves them just a fraction of how much he loves this dog I am one lucky lady. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

How to survive a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

*Disclaimer, I say "shitty" about 1000 times in this post. :)

Day's like today I feel like I have this look permanently stuck on my face. What a shitty day. Shitty shitty shitty. Did I mention shitty? Don't get my wrong, I love my job, and I am so thankful for it but there are just days like today that I feel knocked down by a bus and that bus is just sitting on me. That bus broke down right on my face and there is no mechanic in sight! Days like today make me feel like I have a stink eye and it will never go away. Days like today make my forehead numb. (Literally, walking out of work tonight I really didn't know if I could drive home because my head hurt so bad) But no matter what you do for a living, or your day to day routine...there is always that chance of having a shitty day. 

How do you deal with a bad day? Do you eat? Do you sleep? Do you workout? Do you read? What about tv? The couch? Chocolate? Beer, wine, or all of the above? I tell you. Tonight, all I wanted was a HOT shower (I wanted to drown away this shitty day) and to lay on the couch! 

The good news is, I didn't come home and lay on the couch and sleep away the night. Instead, I made a delicious dinner for myself (Eric had a work thing) and went and worked out. I know, I was shocked. I sat here waiting for dinner to cook and was feeling sorry for myself and my shitty day and my shitty headache that I had developed from the stress of the day. When I was done eating I said you know what, I'm going to reverse this feeling. I'm going to make myself feel better than I am right now! I went down to the ice arena and did laps. It was a great opportunity to take my mind off the stress of the day, my headache and get some me time in. I even got to enjoy the little hockey players that were on the ice while I was there. As soon as I was done I was a completely different person. My shitty day was gone, and my wonderful evening was right in front of me. The headache was gone for the most part, I got my sweat on so I deserved that hot shower, and my mood was lifted and I left that place with a smile.

I'm thankful for the opportunity of a not so shitty day tomorrow, but in the event that today repeats itself...I know exactly what I need to do. :)


ModCloth Monday Wishlist

Do you want to know what really sucks lately? Being on a wedding budget. Seriously. Spending all of this money on one day is kind of overwhelming but I know in the end it will be totally worth it. If I could really have it my way the guest list would be 50 people tops. But that's not the reality so I've come to terms with spending more money for about 10 times that amount because thats what Eric and our families want. Don't get me wrong, it's going to be a blast. I'm just not a fan of how expensive they are. at all.

I'm really trying to be good when it comes to spending money. I'm not a shopaholic by any means but typically, if I find something I like and I have the money for it, I buy it. Not any more. This girl is in serious need of some frivolous spending. Maybe after the wedding...for now I'm starting Wishlist Monday and where do I have an excessive wishlist started at? ModCloth of course. For those of you who have never browsed ModCloth...GET WITH IT. So many great finds on this site. Sooooo many.

*Please note: I would gladly accept any of these as a wedding gift. LOL*

I mean how awesome are these??


Looking through this online, I think I need this.

How cute are these? So beautiful

Now this one, I really don't think I'm going to be able to hold out on buying this one!

I'm finding it's a lot easier to hold off on buying things when I put them on a wishlist, or sometimes I'll even put things in my cart online, and then close the site. 


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Personal Growth.

I don't even know where to begin. The past month and a half or so I've been really taking life by the balls and living it how I should be living it. I have made so many personal strides these past few weeks that I can't believe it's been such a short time compared to what it feels like. I've been working out (more than working out, I've been working HARD.) eating less, eating better, spending more time on me, spending more time on friendships, and in general...taking the time to really find myself. I know I have a lot of growth yet to come, I just feel like right now there are so many good changes in my life that I can't help being happy. 

I'm feeling how a 25 year old woman should feel and really embracing what life has to offer. This year has brought so many great changes and growth for me so far. I'm discovering what makes me happy, what the core of my life should be. It's going to take time and work (A LOT of work) to get where I want to be in this life of mine, but damnit...I feel like this is my time. I already embrace who I am right now sitting on this couch typing this but the changes I'm making, and the life I'm creating only makes me more excited for the future. Big changes are coming my way and I'm going to get where I need to be by my own hard work. (and of course the amazing support from my fiancĂ© Eric) Time to kick some ass people. Be happy with who you are now because it can only launch you further towards where you want to be. :)


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The constant reminder that you're not here.

(This was the chair that my grandmother always sat at. I have many of her belongings but this is the one that hits home the most)

Two years ago today my life changed forever. It's amazing how losing a family member can completely change your view on how you are living your life. My beautiful grandma Virginia passed away. She was finally reunited with her husband after so many years. When I think about the love I have for Eric I can't even imagine what my life would be like without him. I would be absolutely devastated.  My grandmother was heart broken after my grandpa pasted away many years ago. She talked about him all the time, and held on to each of his belongings. Even though she is no longer here on earth with us, I like to think of the positive and that she is reunited with the love of her life. 

Ever since that day I have learned to take more time out of my day to notice the little things, smile more, laugh more, love people more, and appreciate everything life has to offer. Take some time today to really breathe life in. 


Monday, February 18, 2013


My heart belongs to this dog. Growing up we didn't have dogs or cats. Just hamsters. Now, you can only do so much with a hamster. We would stack books to make tunnels for them to run through. While it was all fun, I never had that connection with a hamster. 

When we moved to Dubuque we go dogs finally, Lucky and soon after Zoey. The best dogs ever. Although they were our family dogs, they were outside dogs and I didn't spend every minute of my day with them.

Fast forward several years later and here I am, with Eric and we finally decide to add to our family. We had bought a house and wanted a dog so bad. We wanted to make sure the time was right when we found out someone we knew had black lab puppies. We picked Banksy up when he was 6 weeks old. Such a precious little guy. High pitched bark (that he still has, oy) and the most precious puppy eyes and floppy tale ever. My heart melted. My heart still melts looking at him. I've never known the love from a dog until him. We spend all of our time together. If only I could bring him to work. When we are home it's all about this dog. He sleeps in our room, snuggles on our couch, and even lays under our feet when we are eating dinner. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Banksy is such a great dog. Although he can be annoying at times because he LOVES attention, he is the best. After working out he licks the salty sweat off our faces, when we are sad he snuggles up on us. When we need a laugh he's right there to join in the excitement.

I love this damn dog. Banksy, you have my heart. Please stay in my life for a long time. 


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Loving Life

I have to start off with saying thank you to all of you that read my previous blog on my eating disorder, thank you thank you thank you for the amazing feedback. I received so much love via text, facebook, twitter, and here that it was unbelievably overwhelming. I didn't post it for the attention or the love. I posted it because I feel like I am at such a good point in my life that this secret was holding me back from being me. A coworker said the blog opened her eyes to issues that her daughters may someday deal with. That right there is exactly why I wrote it. I wanted to share my story and spread the awareness. Thank you all!

A lot has been going on lately. I'm just living life. Literally. Just living and doing what I want to do. Life is great. When you have a good attitude, good friends, and good spirits... things just feel right. You have to be happy to make a happy life. I'm really looking forward to spring and summer. 

Just a few things that have made me really happy lately.
This is what my face looks like after a terrible day at work. On the upside, my hair is getting long for the wedding. :)

Bubba is up there in age (I think 14) and he can still snuggle on the floor with Eric when we visit. This dog seriously makes my heart melt.

Now that we've lived in the house for almost 2 years, I've started to actually take the time to decorate every once and a while. Love my DIY chalkboard and hearts garland. 
I do have to say, I was extra festive this year for Valentines Day. Thank you Target for this clearance shirt which was only I think around $5. Eric and I had a nice evening at home making dinner (a healthy dinner), Eric worked on freelance and I got my workout in. Relaxing nights at home are my favorite.

Tomorrow starts another new week, more goals to accomplish, more hard work to put in. In the mean time, I'm putting my feet up tonight and snuggled with my fiancé and pup.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February: Eating Disorder Awareness Month

There is a big part of my life that not many people know about. I've shared my struggle with a few of my closest friends, but for the most part I have kept my struggle with an eating disorder to myself. It isn't until now, at 25, that I feel comfortable telling the world. Now I don't have to announce that I had have (once you have one you will always deal with those demons) an eating disorder. I'm not writing this blog for the attention, for sympathy, or for people that know me to look at me any different. I'm writing about this because I hope my struggles with anorexia and bulimia could maybe help someone I know, or help someone that may someday have a son or daughter that suffers from this. 

“It is not a sudden leap from sick to well. It is a slow, strange meander from sick to mostly well. The misconception that eating disorders are a medical disease in the traditional sense is not helpful here. There is no 'cure'. A pill will not fix it, though it may help. Ditto therapy, ditto food, ditto endless support from family and friends. You fix it yourself. It is the hardest thing that I have ever done, and I found myself stronger for doing it. Much stronger.” 
― Marya HornbacherWasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

From what I can started in 8th grade. (eating disorders tend to really fog your memory. You have this perception of reality when really you are so focused on this disease that you don't remember much.) We moved here in 7th grade and I made friends pretty quickly. It wasn't until I joined a club soccer team that the bullying began. Lets face it, girls at that age can be pretty cruel and it makes me sad to even think about. Growing up I was always tallest in class, and bigger than most girls. I was still athletic for the most part so I never thought of it as a bad thing. I remember specifically the comment that changed it all. One day after school in 8th grade I was on AIM (I know right. AIM, not Facebook or Twitter. Just AIM) I was online chatting with friends when the bullying started. I had been teased before but never directly attacked the way I was this day. A couple of girls that I played soccer with started sending me messages. The one specific message that stuck with me was..."If you were any slower, you would be going backwards." Now you may think that's not a big deal. But to me, at 14, I lost it. I couldn't believe that these girls were being so mean. The sad things is I believed them. I believed every single terrible word they had to say about me. It was almost like I just snapped. I suddenly lost any bit of confidence that I had. I had a moment of feeling sorry for myself that turned into "I'll show you" The rest is kind of a blur. 

I started cutting calories first. That summer before my freshman year in high school it was easy to cut calories because I was home alone for the most part. No one was around to know what I was eating. I would drink so much water my stomach would ache. I was constantly cold, and always had a headache and body aches. I started working out. Running a little bit, each day running further. I was up to running 3 miles a day while eating probably 600 calories. Most of the time it was just dinner because that was the meal everyone was home for. After dinner I would feel so guilty about eating a meal that I would go into my room and do push ups, crunches, leg lifts. Anything I could do to feel like I was burning calories. I remember being so fidgety. Just sitting still was impossible. I was constantly squeezing my leg muscles in hopes of making them smaller. Every thought was about food, what I was going to eat and how I could burn it off. I was always worried about being in a situation where I had to eat, always coming up with an excuse to get out of eating around others. I lost 45 pounds in 3 months that summer.

“Eating disorders are addictions. You become addicted to a number of their effects. The two most basic and important: the pure adrenaline that kicks in when you're starving—you're high as a kite, sleepless, full of a frenetic, unstable energy—and the heightened intensity of experience that eating disorders initially induce. At first, everything tastes and smells intense, tactile experience is intense, your own drive and energy themselves are intense and focused. Your sense of power is very, very intense. You are not aware, however, that you are quickly becoming addicted.”
― Marya HornbacherWasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

The first part of Freshman year of high school was full of compliments and attention from people for all the weight I had lost. I hated it. I didn't want the attention, I just wanted to be treated normal. I didn't want to be talked about negatively like I had before, and now I was being talked about as if some were envious. Little did they know I was my own worst enemy. At this point during the school year I was still barely eating. A granola bar here and there. Tons of water. Dinner. The amount of calories I was consuming was not enough just to get through the daily routine, let alone playing sports. I played basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Looking back I'm really not sure how I never passed out or got seriously hurt from being so athletic on such little calories. I remember one time in math class the bell rang to change periods and I stood up from my desk but got super dizzy and had to sit back down. It was then I realized that I couldn't live on so little calories. I couldn't do this to myself anymore. By this point though, several months into this I was so far in that I didn't know how to think normal anymore. Eating caused anxiety and panic. It was always on my mind. Before even eating my mind was already racing on how I was going to burn those calories off. Everything had to go. If I ate that I would instantly be fat fat fat. People don't like that. People will make fun of you for being fat. You won't have any friends if you are fat. Those are all of the crazy thoughts that ran through my mind. That was when bulimia entered my life. I started eating and purging. Then I would lose control binge. Feel guilty for binging so I would purge. This was a never ending cycle. There would be months where I would feel "normal" or I guess my normal. I wouldn't binge and purge and I would kind of eat like a normal teen. When I was 16 I started to feel like myself again. The eating disorder wasn't in the forefront anymore. That's the thing with eating disorders though. Just when you think you are "fine" or "normal" it just takes one thing to push you back off that cliff. 

I remember I was sitting in my boyfriend a the times car while he had stopped in a parking lot to talk to one of his friends. I don't know what their entire conversation was but I remember hearing his friend say something along the lines of "your fat girlfriend" (I wasn't even fat in my opinion) Back down the rabbit hole I like to say. It just took that one thing for me to lose every bit of confidence and love for myself again. The icing on the cake that made me feel even better was that my boyfriend at the time didn't even stick up for me. This made me feel even worse. I suddenly didn't even feel good enough for him or myself. That relationship ended. I was in this in between stage of I'm so over having this eating disorder but I don't know how else to deal with my life. When you've been doing something for 3 years you start to wonder if you are ever going to be capable of overcoming it. After that I had a couple boyfriends here and there. I was constantly seeking love from other people. I never thought my friends really liked me when looking back now I realize that this mind set that they never liked me is why we aren't still friends today. People can't love you and support you if you don't love yourself. 

The end of my junior year things had gotten a bit better. I had opened up to a few people about my problem and the purging stopped. At 17, I gained about 20 pounds and life seemed to be on the up and up. That's when I met Eric. And boy, I tell you. He could see right through me. When we first met I suddenly went back to my "I have to be perfect" mentality. I started cutting calories and working out again and it wasn't long before I was extremely torn. Here I was spending all this time with this really amazing person. I couldn't hide behind this anymore. We had this connection that didn't allow me to not be 100% of me. Let me tell you. When you have an eating disorder you are extremely moody and angry. ALL OF THE TIME. There are few happy moments because you are so fixated on how you are going to burn calories or avoid eating. With Eric however, I felt happy. I needed to be happy. I finally felt like I deserved being happy. One of the smartest decisions I ever made in my life so far has to be the night I told Eric about my eating disorder. We were on the river walk sitting on some steps. We started talking about Laura (a friend that past away) and I got the urge to have this really honest no bullshit talk. I just broke down. I needed to tell him because I couldn't hide this major part of me anymore. You can't help someone with an eating disorder until they are ready to be helped. No matter what you tell them, or how much you care. They have to be ready to start the healing process. I was finally ready. 

Eric was a major part of my recovery process. We had many honest talks about how this has changed my life, and that it's not going to go away. It's just about learning to manage it better. I needed to start loving myself and feeling like I am enough. No matter what anyone says, or what size I am. I need to be happy with myself. Trust me, 6 years later and it's still a daily struggle. I'm still trying to find a healthy balance of what feels right for me. I am so thankful to have overcome this disease that millions of people suffer from. 

If you have read this, thank you for your time. I hope I have opened up this topic for discussion. This is such a silent disease that needs more awareness. Eating disorders can affect anyone, male, female, big, small, any race. It needs to be talked about. 

If you feel someone in your life, or you yourself need help with an eating disorder. Please reach out. It is the best thing that you can do for someone or yourself. 

For more information and signs and symptoms please visit:
