What a year 2012 has been. So many events happened that it's hard thinking back and remembering everything. I have great thoughts and intentions for 2013. The most important thing is getting to marry my best friend in September. When we got engaged October 2011 it felt like an eternity when we picked our date of 9.7.13 but now here we are, 9 months away. yikes. The upcoming months I know are going to come and go in a whirlwind but one thing I do know, is I will cherish each day like I have been now. Each morning I wake up, I kiss my pup and Eric and I'm thankful for another day ahead. I think it's important to take goofy photos, take LOTS of photos of my pup, sing silly songs, and laugh a lot. Looking back at 2012 there are only a few moments that really jump out, but the blur of the year definitely shows lots of smiles and laughter. I've come to realize over the past few years that life is too short to be serious, get jealous easily, be insecure, or be grumpy. You don't know what you are getting tomorrow so you have to enjoy today. I think some people get rubbed the wrong way by me because I don't care. If you like me you like me, I'm not going to try and impress you. I'm living my life for me. I think 2012 was a year where I grew into my own skin even more. A new year always allows me to feel renewed. I'm not sure what it is, maybe since my birthday is so close to the new year it's almost like a new year, a new age, a fresh start.

Cheers to 2013. Cheers to turning 25. I can't imagine life getting any better but I have a feeling it's just begun. I've become closer with family members this year, I've learned a lot about myself. Most importantly though, I'm having the time of my life. Great friends, great family. I don't really have any real goals for 2013 other than to just continue to be me. I'd like to pull my creative side back to the surface but I know that will come in time. 2013 is about me doing more of what I love, more often. I hope you all have a happy new year and take each day as a blessing. Hug your family and friends, and most importantly take care of each other. Life can be great if we all just let the little things slide, and enjoy the ride.
Much love.
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