Now I'm not about to sit here and type up a long list of new years resolutions because lets be honest, by February most people have already let their resolutions fall to the side and go back to their normal lives. I'm not trying to move mountains this year, but I'm just trying to be a littler be more outgoing. My personality is over the top and definitely outgoing. I've got my do my own thing mentality. I'm outgoing with my personality, however I'm not outgoing when it comes to trying out new things. Especially with food...I have to say I'm a pretty picky eater, and I'm not usually one to try new things. I don't know why I ever got so hung up on not trying new things. I guess it's just easy to not try things. But really when you think about it, why not try new things? It's not like I'm going to die by eating something I haven't had before. I mean really, I'm not going to explode if I try a certain food am I? No. Then why not try it. That's what the year 2013 I would like to do more of. Try things more. Not just food, but other things, movies, stores, towns, makeup...the list is endless.
So far this year I've been pretty good at trying everything when offered or presented with the opportunity of trying. I have to of my favorite things that make me go "WHY DIDN'T I TRY THIS SOONER!?!?" is HOT green tea. Seriously. Eric is a huge tea drinker and I've always just been like...meh...but I've never had HOT green tea. The first time I had it was only because I was getting a bad migraine last week and Eric recommended it because of the caffeine. At first I was like yea, I'll just suck it down to see if it helps. By the time I had finished I said hmm...that wasn't too bad. Then the next morning I found my body was craving it. Isn't it strange how we just don't try something and then it turns out we love it?

I tell you what, this morning it came in handy! I was chugging water and taking some meds for my headache when I decided to try some tea. Too many beers on a mostly empty stomach, along with beer pong and too many BOOM games the night before, I had woke up from 5 hours of sleep with a serious hangover. Boy did this save my life. It wasn't long after drinking it that I could already feel the good it was doing for my body. Lesson learned Emily, at the age of 25 you are really living now that you like hot tea. ;)
Now I'll leave you with this little gem of Banksy this morning...This is at 8 am when I went to bed at 3 am. I can just hear Banksy "Come on mama, I'm up!"
Cheers to trying new things this year. :)
I love hot tea! I didn't always and I haven't had green tea in years just because I've mostly forgotten about it. Good for you for going out + trying new things this year! I'm doing the same. 52 new recipes + 12 new habits are my goal for this year.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
I feel like I should give hot tea a chance but I just never like any beverages that aren't cold. Maybe I need to do this whole "try new things" resolution :)
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