Saturday, March 9, 2013


Setting goals has always been something easy for me. Sticking to them on the other hand, I'm not so good at. I'm always finding myself setting goals and getting all excited, coming up with a game plan, telling everyone about them and then that balloon of motivation and excitement suddenly loses all of its air and I'm left with nothing. zip. nadda. 2013 has been a year of change for me in many ways. How I present myself, how I treat others, the goals I'm setting, and the biggest change of all...I'm actually sticking to and committing to the steps needed in order to reach my goals and say I DID IT! Fitness has always been, working out can be fun, a stress reliever, a bonding moment between you and your partner, but also frustrating, tiring, stressful at times, and overwhelming for me. This girl right here has discovered that if you set baby goals instead of these giant mountains, that I am more likely to succeed. Just setting the goal of being active everyday has changed my life completely. Am I still eating out and consuming alcohol? You bet, but...I am making changes daily that are helping me get to where I want to be physically and mentally overtime. It's not happening overnight but I'm ok with that. It's happening. And that my friends is what matters.

Can you believe that I have never ran on a treadmill? I've walked on a treadmill, with an incline and without, for a long time. Several days/nights have been spent on a treadmill but I've never felt comfortable with running. Now I've ran before, don't get me wrong...I played sports growing up, and during the years when I was deep in my eating disorder I ran several miles a day. This was all previously done on pavement. On streets, sidewalks, soccer fields, and basketball courts. Just never on a treadmill.

So far this year I have been walking at work and at the ice arena because the weather has been well, winter. Today the temps are warm enough to start melting the snow but with drizzle and water everywhere I just didn't want to deal with it. So I went out to my ma and pops house to get on the treadmill to do my couch to 5k program. (it tells you what intervals to walk and jog) My previous thoughts of nervousness about running on a treadmill were nowhere to be seen. I just started my program and that was that. When you start doing good things it only boosts your mood even more. I felt so good about myself for not only being active and working toward my goals, but really going for it. After my 30 minute couch to 5k program ended I had a 3 minute cool down...I didn't want to cool down yet, I wanted more. So I ran for 3 more minutes...then walked a few seconds and then back to running and so on...I stayed on that treadmill longer than my program required, not only because I wanted to, but because I could. And there is no better feeling than knowing that. :)

I of course had to document the stupid grin on my face when I finished. 

I feel like I've finally been launched into something great.


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