Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lets talk about tattoos

Tattoos. Always such a touchy subject for people. I don't get it. I don't have tattoos I will start off by saying that. Do I want them? HELL YES. Do I care about other people and their choice to have tattoos? NO. I have always been more of an "artistic" person. I love makeup, hair, design, art and anything to do with it. I tend to pick products I've never tried based on if I'm drawn to their packaging or an advertisement. I like art, and I like when it makes me feel something. I love girly things, but I love metal and other "alternative" things. Will getting a tattoo make people think differently of me? Probably. Do I care? To be honest, not really. To me tattoos can be beautiful pieces of art. They can be an extension of your story. I've been through a lot in my life and I want to express that. I think people that appreciate tattoos completely get that.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of TERRIBLE tattoos out there. A LOT. My plan is to not be in that group. I'm doing my research, and I'm willing to pay money because you get what you pay for.

The blog community has really opened my eyes to women, mothers, daughters, ect that are heavily tattooed and aren't criminals, lowlifes, or bad people that our society paints a picture of. They aren't conforming to what society "thinks" a mother should look like. They are living as true inspiring individuals that happen to have tattoos. It doesn't change their generosity, talents, or intelligence. I hope someday I will live in a world that doesn't look down on people for being different.

To the most annoying question there is "what about when you are older?" What about when I'm older? I'm going to be wrinkly and old anyway right? So tattoos will only make me cooler right? I mean who wants to be just old and wrinkly? I want to be old, wrinkly, and cool! ;)


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