Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If you couldn't tell, the past few weeks have been pretty "meh" for me. Exhaustion, lack of motivation, moody moods, rain, and just not feeling like myself. I've kind of let our home slip a little. Eric and I usually keep a pretty clean home, I don't mind the laundry, dusting, mopping, but dishes. UGH. I hate doing the dishes. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's my personality, I can't really sit still that long, and without a dish washer, having to stand at the sink for several minutes washing dishes just really annoys me. Obviously I could do the dishes more often and I would be stuck for less time in front of the sink. Instead, I let them pile up. and lately when I say pile up, I literally mean pile up. Like no free space on the counter or sink due to the large amount of dirty dishes.

With feeling cruddy as of late, they've REALLY piled up. So bad that yesterday I had to wash a spoon in order to eat my cereal in the morning. I'm not ashamed, I know none of y'all leave your house spotless 24 hours a day. I just know it's something I need to work on. This is where being thankful comes in...

After a hell of a day at work Tuesday I had the task of doing the dishes looming over my head. Eric hasn't been able to help out around the house with his injury but he has been feeling a bit better as of late. When I left for work in the morning he had mentioned he was going to try and clean up a bit. I received a text message from him that he didn't think he was going to be able to stand and do the dishes which was 100% ok. I understood and I knew I would just have to suck it up and wash them when I got home. Why is it that a crappy day at work only magnifies other tasks you need to do and makes them 10x worse? Later in the day he text me again saying I didn't have to worry about the dishes now because he had done them. Gosh, I love him. Sometimes there is nothing better than a simple gesture like that to make this girl smile big and remember why I am so thankful to be spending the rest of my life with a guy that would do anything for me. Even if it was a simple thing like doing the dishes.

Coming home to a sink like this makes me smile big time! (Do you see our cute little terrariums? Eric is growing some dragon plant and I have cactus!)

This is my attempt at chalk art and looking on the bright side of all this rain. Eric likes it, I think it looks silly but I'm not about to get out my ruler and shit to make fancy art. ;)


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