Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I'm lovin' about life right now...

Happy Fall Everyone!!!!

I absolutely LOVE this time of year. So many great things to celebrate (oh you know, no big deal, 6 year anniversary with Eric on 10/11) great smells, great activities, great weather, great HOCKEY!

Eric and I are sitting here watching the Ducks preseason hockey game vs. Canucks...Saturday is the 1st Dubuque Fighting Saints hockey game of the season...This is my favorite time of the year because I am a hockey fan! And...Teemu Selanne has returned to play one more year with the Ducks! YES!!!!
My dreamy Finnish Flash!


I just thought I'd share a little bit of what I love about life right now. With pictures of course!
Although my Grandmother Virginia left us this past February her spirit is still with me everyday. :) This is a Zenneth record player of hers that we put in our entry way. The top opens up to reveal the record player and radio. I think it looks great here! Plus the ADORABLE owl my mama bought my from Pier1! (Love my mama because she knows me so well!) The small little owls next to it were my grandmothers as well.
I am in love with ANYTHING teal! LOVE this color! Especially on my nails. :)

QUEEN. DUH. Need I say more? This is the ultimate drop your shitty mood and sing and dance music!
Banksy. He's getting so big! He has lost his 2 middle top teeth and 2 middle bottom teeth! Happy 4 months today Boogie! :)

& last but not least, the best night of my life... Foo Fighters in St. Louis.

I will have to post a vid when I have more time. But this was an amazing night. My favorite band, my favorite song (Everlong), and 3 hours of singing and dancing my ass off. :)

Love the life you have. :) xo

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Walking my dog, life lessons.

Hey All...something occurred to me while walking my dog Banksy this evening. There are so many times when you walk past someone that it's like the other person does not exist. I personally feel like we have lost touch with each other in this world that we live in today. We all walk with our heads down, either at our feet or stuffed in a cell phone checking our Facebook or Twitter. We've lost touch with each other and sometimes I think ourselves. Even at work in a building that is so open with no walls, I find myself looking for eye contact from others and not receiving it back. A simple smile or hello is just not given these days.

In 2011 if you smile at someone and make eye contact, you are:
A) A creeper
B) A loser
C) A serial killer
D) All of the above

While walking Banksy tonight there were so many times when this little puppy was the reason for someone to notice, look up from their cell phone, and give a smile. This little puppy was the reason for a complete stranger to take a minute out of their lives and look into mine...or to be interested in at least the puppy, and ask questions like his age, name and breed. Could you ever imagine someone to came up to you and asked something about yourself as a total stranger? Of course not. Where did we lose connection with each other in this world today? We all live in it together, but yet we are all complete strangers. The people that you see on a daily basis, your neighbors, your coworkers, your local grocery store clerks. Do you even know their names?

Take a moment tomorrow to pause and get to know at least one thing about someone, even a complete stranger, just ask their name.

Anyways...I guess I'll leave this post with Banksy, my little ice breaker.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall Wish List

Hey Everyone. Happy Tuesday to ya! I've been online "shopping" today, but I wouldn't call it shopping. I would call it..."browsing" There are so many new fall things that I just have to get my hands on! **sigh** where's my money tree?! Anyway, here are just a few things on my "wish list". Donations accepted. :)

Fossil - LoVe this brand!! So classic!
Maddox Small Workbag - $198.00

How beautiful! I'm in love with the color and the buckle detail.

Of course, what would be be without the wallet?

Maddox Zip Clutch -$55.00

Now on to...ModCloth I absolutely love this site. Lots of gems on this website. A girl could go broke instantly here!
This Jonathan Adler iPhone 4 case $27.99
Flock Party Apron -$19.99
One Eye on the Pea-clock Ring- $11.99
Blurring By Dress in Midnight - $49.99 How gorgeous right?!

Anyways...I think thats enough for me tonight. I'm now mentally broke. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy 'OH SO CLOSE' Friday!

This week has been more than exhausting!! I don't even know where to begin. I guess that no matter how stressful it was I should be grateful for being alive and healthy and happy right? well mostly happy I guess...if you twisted my arm, thats probably what it would take this week. However I did do something this week that makes me very happy that I haven't done in a very long time!
I filmed a video for my makeup/misc. YouTube channel!! Go check it out! RunningwithMakeup
This is just a place for me to show my passion for makeup, hair, clothing, accessories ect. I love anything that makes you feel great, look great, or have fun! Life is about getting out there and doing your thing and I don't want to say I have the "I don't give a damn" attitude but I have spent too much of my life doing what makes others happy and it's time for me to explore what makes me happy.

I think instead of ranting about how horrible this week was I should rant about how amazing my life is and a few of my favorite things, with photos of course!!! here we go...
Obviously I have a love affair with makeup so that makes me happy. :]

Snuggle/nap time with the pup! (rare occasion!)
The not so glamorous photos the bf and I take...and we don't care!
Anything to do with decorating and design. I am so in LOVE with the wall color and head board...I'm starting to think our bedroom paint isn't finished yet...muahahah

And last but not least my little guy, playing with his best friend...WATER!

That's all for now...of course many other things make me happy but these are just a few things that kept me sane this week. :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Family Member: Meet Banksy

ok ok can stop scolding me. ;) I've been on a short hiatus (well...ok a month) but it's for good reason!! Eric and I added to our family of two! (NO, not a baby) but a PUPPY! :)

World: Meet Banksy (pronounced bank-c)
He is a pure bread black lab and we love him to pieces! He was born June 8th and we picked the little guy up on July 20th. To say he has changed our lives is an understatement.

We went and picked him out and gave him his very first toy!
& of course he was spoiled before he even entered our home!

A few of my favorite things about Banksy so far:
His pot belly (or what I call...his pork chop)
His cute butt (yes I came up with another name...his tookis!)
His little bark!
His itty bitty tail that wags sOoOoOoOO fast!
He follows us around the house everywhere!
Our special cuddle time in the morning, just the 3 of us. Even tho his idea of cuddling right now is licking and biting your face. I still enjoy every second of the painfully sharp puppy teeth!
He sits between your legs when you do the dishes or make dinner.
His puppy breath and kisses!
He is growing so fast right before our eyes! I know it's only a matter of time before he grows from 10 lbs to 80 lbs but we are loving every second of it! :)

Oh yea, and moments like this...LOVE playing around!

Until next happy.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stress- Is it really worth it?

Sometimes I catch myself literally freaking out! Stressed to the max, and feeling completely out of my head. Then I say HELLO, EARTH TO EMILY! COME BACK TO REALITY! I would say that I stress way too much. An unhealthy amount actually. Especially when it comes to work. I work for a medical distribution company working directly with 8 hospitals that depend on me daily to get them the products they need to keep their doors open, and their patients alive.

Example, I would say my morning started off normal and then BAM. Hi stress! From about 8 am to 9:30 am my mind was going crazy with OMG what is going to happen ect. Can you guess what that stress was caused by? Do you really want to know? It's pretty embarrassing to say...but my account was out of washcloths and needed more STAT! Their is a huge shortage/increase in cost of cotton so textiles are hard to come by so finding a solution did take a bit. But really...did I need to freak out and get all worked up because one of my hospitals didn't have something as simple as washcloths? Of course we found a solution but I think it would have been a lot better if I would have just stopped to take a breath and then move forward.

Everyday is a new day for me to try and stress out a little bit less than the day before, let's call it a work in progress.

What do you do to relieve stress?
stress ball? One of these poor guys would not survive in my hand!

I usually try and listen to music and take my mind off of the current stressful situation. Here are few of the songs that put me in a better mood.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Here's to tomorrow, a less stressful tomorrow that is! :-)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm back...& Teen Mom

Hi Everyone! As you can see all my blog posts are gone...not sure what happened but I'm starting fresh and ready to write again. I've decided my first post wont start with all that has been going on in my life (maybe Eric and I bought a house and moved in together...NBD right?!) but to write about none other than Teen Mom. Yes, the original people from Teen Mom are back in action starting tonight...
I have mixed feelings when it comes to this show. Yes it shows the struggles these young people are going through, but to me it also glorifies bad decisions and behavior. I am 23 years old and I do not feel responsible enough in my life right now to have a child. Do I feel like I would be able to adjust and grow up if needed? Absolutely. Do I feel the young "adults" on Teen Mom have grown up? Honestly, NO. I feel that the majority of them feel as if their child has come into their life as an inconvenience.

Farrah for example, I understand that her boyfriend was killed and automatically made her a single mother but the way she treats her own parents makes me sick. Speaking of parents...My question is what role has all of their parents played in their own lives? It seems that either they aren't around, or they are barely in their own child's life to help with guiding them in the right direction to make them better parents at such a young age. Don't even get me started on Amber...if you need a refresher on who she is, she is the young brunette who seems to lay around all day, have a horrible temper, smack her boyfriend around, and is just too "tired" to take care of her own daughter. I hope she gets serious help this season because she seems to be on a down hill spiral. I don't look into tabloids much but the fact that she is still in them gives me an idea that she is still acting out and doing things not in her child's best interest.

Anyway, I've enjoyed my amazing 4 day weekend, (Happy 4th America!) and tomorrow is back to work. Thank goodness for a 3 day work week. Tomorrow is hump day already! Where does the time go?

Stay tuned for exciting things to come. :-)