Monday, August 8, 2011

New Family Member: Meet Banksy

ok ok can stop scolding me. ;) I've been on a short hiatus (well...ok a month) but it's for good reason!! Eric and I added to our family of two! (NO, not a baby) but a PUPPY! :)

World: Meet Banksy (pronounced bank-c)
He is a pure bread black lab and we love him to pieces! He was born June 8th and we picked the little guy up on July 20th. To say he has changed our lives is an understatement.

We went and picked him out and gave him his very first toy!
& of course he was spoiled before he even entered our home!

A few of my favorite things about Banksy so far:
His pot belly (or what I call...his pork chop)
His cute butt (yes I came up with another name...his tookis!)
His little bark!
His itty bitty tail that wags sOoOoOoOO fast!
He follows us around the house everywhere!
Our special cuddle time in the morning, just the 3 of us. Even tho his idea of cuddling right now is licking and biting your face. I still enjoy every second of the painfully sharp puppy teeth!
He sits between your legs when you do the dishes or make dinner.
His puppy breath and kisses!
He is growing so fast right before our eyes! I know it's only a matter of time before he grows from 10 lbs to 80 lbs but we are loving every second of it! :)

Oh yea, and moments like this...LOVE playing around!

Until next happy.